Tonight's meeting of the Marxist Student Union was a phenomenal display of Marxism in action. Two new comrades joined with the M.S.U. to discuss Lenin's "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism." After a brief contextualizing of the text and its creator, the President led an insightful discussion that focused on the difference between dialectics and metaphysics. From there we went on to talk about how dialectical and historical materialism are foundational to proletarian class consciousness.
In short order one comrade asked the group how understandable or readable they thought the text was. Like seasoned revolutionary theorists, the comrades energetically criticized Lenin's article based upon their analysis of its content, rhetorical technique, and organization. More than one of us felt Lenin's jargon was off putting and another pointed out that the writer is never gives concrete examples and lacks specificity. Another felt that Lenin was a bad writer, a poor philosopher, and a terrible scientist, but a gifted compiler and condenser of Marxism. In the end, Lenin was praised as a brilliant organizer, not only of the Russian Revolution, but of this article in particular. The idea was also advanced that how Lenin organized his essay modeled Marxist analysis . Part I details the condition, II determines the cause, and III advances correct revolutionary action based upon sound analysis.
Near the end of our critical analysis, the V.P. pointed out one passage in particular that absolutely unifies every Marxist and irreconcilably separates Marxism not only from liberalism but also other revolutionary paradigms:
"Political institutions are a superstructure on the economic foundation."
The above concept is the surest litmus test for the existence and intensity of Marxism. Marxists know their enemy. Capitalism is the enemy of all working people and, it is Capitalism that we fight.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
The University of Memphis Marxist Student Union exists to educate the campus community about Marxism, promote the study of Marxist theory and thought, and advocate social and political action from a Marxist perspective.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Three Sources of Marxism
Tomorrow we will meet in room 208 in the University Center at 5pm to discuss Lenin's "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism." If you have not already read the article and printed it out you can find it in The Marxist Internet Achieves by following this link:
After our discussion, please stick around for a film screening. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing their thoughts on Lenin's understanding of Marxism.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Tomorrow we will meet in room 208 in the University Center at 5pm to discuss Lenin's "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism." If you have not already read the article and printed it out you can find it in The Marxist Internet Achieves by following this link:
After our discussion, please stick around for a film screening. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing their thoughts on Lenin's understanding of Marxism.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Attend a reading from "The Communist Manifesto" tomorrow afternoon.
Dr. Dennis Laumann as part of Banned Books Week at the library will be reading selections from "The Communist Manifesto" tomorrow in the campus library from 11:30-12. Come out wearing some article of red clothing and make our silent presence shout in resistance to Capitalist oppression and solidarity with the workers of the world.
Dr. Dennis Laumann as part of Banned Books Week at the library will be reading selections from "The Communist Manifesto" tomorrow in the campus library from 11:30-12. Come out wearing some article of red clothing and make our silent presence shout in resistance to Capitalist oppression and solidarity with the workers of the world.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Working on the Harris campaign
Please join with us Wednesday evening to volunteer at the Lee Harris campaign headquarters to work his phone bank from 6-7. We will meet at 5:30 in Mitchell to organize our carpool / caravan.
In case you need a copy of Lenin's "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism" you can find it at the above link. Our upcoming discussion would be enriched by the thoughts of those comrades who are familiar with multiple schools of Marxism and how these points of view respond to Lenin's article.
Before signing off, if you are interested in having an action on Columbus Day to (at least) refute the "discovery" of the Americas, speak out against their subjugation by the imperialist European powers, and celebrate the Indigenous, Mexica, and Mestizo cultures of North and South America organize your thoughts and bring them on Friday. Columbus Day is less than two weeks away and we should do our best to act decisively and quickly in order to have an effective action.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Please join with us Wednesday evening to volunteer at the Lee Harris campaign headquarters to work his phone bank from 6-7. We will meet at 5:30 in Mitchell to organize our carpool / caravan.
In case you need a copy of Lenin's "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism" you can find it at the above link. Our upcoming discussion would be enriched by the thoughts of those comrades who are familiar with multiple schools of Marxism and how these points of view respond to Lenin's article.
Before signing off, if you are interested in having an action on Columbus Day to (at least) refute the "discovery" of the Americas, speak out against their subjugation by the imperialist European powers, and celebrate the Indigenous, Mexica, and Mestizo cultures of North and South America organize your thoughts and bring them on Friday. Columbus Day is less than two weeks away and we should do our best to act decisively and quickly in order to have an effective action.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Vigil for Troy Davis
Members of the Marxist Student Union were present at the vigil for Troy Davis who was murdered yesterday by the State of Georgia. Representatives from the student organizations present were invited to say a few words on this sad occasion. After representatives from the Progressive Student Association, the University of Memphis NAACP, the Black Student Association, and two sororities (whose names escape me) spoke, the V.P. of the Marxist Student Union expressed gratitude for having the chance to stand in solidarity with his fellow students against this injustice. He went on to say that the death of Troy Davis shows the hypocrisy of our system and its claims to embody freedom and justice. He closed saying that he and the membership of the Marxist Student Union look forward to the day when justice is available to all, real justice not just justice before the law. Justice where no man has to pick up a gun to make ends meet, where no one feels the need to commit crime because everyone has enough.
After the vigil a few people asked about the Marxist Student Union’s next meeting and took fliers with them. It would be good if this vigil led to a greater sense of cooperation and solidarity between all student organizations devoted to the cause of equality.
Follow the link to read more about Troy Davis' story, and to learn more about the admirable work being done by Amnesty International
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Members of the Marxist Student Union were present at the vigil for Troy Davis who was murdered yesterday by the State of Georgia. Representatives from the student organizations present were invited to say a few words on this sad occasion. After representatives from the Progressive Student Association, the University of Memphis NAACP, the Black Student Association, and two sororities (whose names escape me) spoke, the V.P. of the Marxist Student Union expressed gratitude for having the chance to stand in solidarity with his fellow students against this injustice. He went on to say that the death of Troy Davis shows the hypocrisy of our system and its claims to embody freedom and justice. He closed saying that he and the membership of the Marxist Student Union look forward to the day when justice is available to all, real justice not just justice before the law. Justice where no man has to pick up a gun to make ends meet, where no one feels the need to commit crime because everyone has enough.
After the vigil a few people asked about the Marxist Student Union’s next meeting and took fliers with them. It would be good if this vigil led to a greater sense of cooperation and solidarity between all student organizations devoted to the cause of equality.
Follow the link to read more about Troy Davis' story, and to learn more about the admirable work being done by Amnesty International
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Doing the work
Last night a handful of us did our small part to help pro-union and anti-discrimination, candidate for City Council (not to mention University of Memphis professor of Law) Lee Harris in his campaign to improve district 7 and the city of Memphis. It was great to be able to call our fellow voters and hear what was important to them and let them know how Lee Harris intends to represent them on City Council. Let's all resist the urge to be armchair philosophers and continue to do our job as workers to support campaigns that put people before profits.
Our next meeting is Friday, September 30th at 5pm in UC208. Feel free to print out and post the above where ever possible and invite your friends to join us. You should start seeing the fliers in the University Center and around campus beginning tomorrow.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Last night a handful of us did our small part to help pro-union and anti-discrimination, candidate for City Council (not to mention University of Memphis professor of Law) Lee Harris in his campaign to improve district 7 and the city of Memphis. It was great to be able to call our fellow voters and hear what was important to them and let them know how Lee Harris intends to represent them on City Council. Let's all resist the urge to be armchair philosophers and continue to do our job as workers to support campaigns that put people before profits.
Our next meeting is Friday, September 30th at 5pm in UC208. Feel free to print out and post the above where ever possible and invite your friends to join us. You should start seeing the fliers in the University Center and around campus beginning tomorrow.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Monday, September 19, 2011
Working on the Harris Campaign
Tomorrow at 5:30 meet in the lobby of Mitchell Hall to caravan / carpool over to Lee Harris' office. We should be back to campus a little after 7pm. Hope to see everyone there.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Tomorrow at 5:30 meet in the lobby of Mitchell Hall to caravan / carpool over to Lee Harris' office. We should be back to campus a little after 7pm. Hope to see everyone there.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sept. 17th US Day of Rage
The mainstream media is slowly picking up the story out of New York. Thousands of protesters are standing up against global capital. I do not know the full story yet as it is an ongoing event. To follow live streaming video go to Global Revolution To learn more check out Occupy Wall Street , US Day of Rage and Adbusters This fall let's help Americans import an Arabian Spring.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
The mainstream media is slowly picking up the story out of New York. Thousands of protesters are standing up against global capital. I do not know the full story yet as it is an ongoing event. To follow live streaming video go to Global Revolution To learn more check out Occupy Wall Street , US Day of Rage and Adbusters This fall let's help Americans import an Arabian Spring.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Friday, September 16, 2011
Next on the agenda
If you missed this evening's meeting, no fear. Copies of the two handouts are available below. It was really nice meeting everyone and we hope to see you all Tuesday evening in the lobby
This Tuesday we are all meeting in Mitchell at 5:30 pm to caravan over to Lee Harris' campaign headquarters and work his phones until around 7pm. Lee Harris is a pro-union candidate running for the district 7 city council seat. To learn more about the candidate and where he stands check out: . Regardless of how you feel about the candidate, Tuesday evening will be a good chance to get a glimpse into the local political process.
The next meeting of the MSU will be September 30th from 5-7:30 in a yet to be determined room of the University Center. At our second meeting we will talk about Lenin's article "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism." for about 30 minutes before watching Michael Moore's "Capitalism, A Love Story." The Lenin article is very short, but it would be good if we all read it a few days before our next meeting to give ourselves enough time to really figure out what Lenin is saying and why we agree or disagree with him.
For October, we are reading the infamous and oft-banned Communist Manifesto. The Manifesto is much longer than the Lenin piece and we should try to give ourselves enough time to read it very closely over a day or so.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
If you missed this evening's meeting, no fear. Copies of the two handouts are available below. It was really nice meeting everyone and we hope to see you all Tuesday evening in the lobby
This Tuesday we are all meeting in Mitchell at 5:30 pm to caravan over to Lee Harris' campaign headquarters and work his phones until around 7pm. Lee Harris is a pro-union candidate running for the district 7 city council seat. To learn more about the candidate and where he stands check out: http://www.
The next meeting of the MSU will be September 30th from 5-7:30 in a yet to be determined room of the University Center. At our second meeting we will talk about Lenin's article "The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism." for about 30 minutes before watching Michael Moore's "Capitalism, A Love Story." The Lenin article is very short, but it would be good if we all read it a few days before our next meeting to give ourselves enough time to really figure out what Lenin is saying and why we agree or disagree with him.
For October, we are reading the infamous and oft-banned Communist Manifesto. The Manifesto is much longer than the Lenin piece and we should try to give ourselves enough time to read it very closely over a day or so.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Wall Street Journal's "The Big Interview": Karl Marx Was Right.
This nation's most prestigious (33 Pulitzer Prizes), oldest (founded in 1874) and powerful (having 400,000 paying subscribers to their website alone) publication devoted to Capitalism ran the following video article:Karl Marx Was Right Follow the link while it is still up to see it for yourself and hear some compelling reasons to be a Marxist.
If you are in the greater Memphis area and want to be part of the solution consider joining us. You do not need to be a college student to be a part of The Marxist Student Union.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
This nation's most prestigious (33 Pulitzer Prizes), oldest (founded in 1874) and powerful (having 400,000 paying subscribers to their website alone) publication devoted to Capitalism ran the following video article:Karl Marx Was Right Follow the link while it is still up to see it for yourself and hear some compelling reasons to be a Marxist.
If you are in the greater Memphis area and want to be part of the solution consider joining us. You do not need to be a college student to be a part of The Marxist Student Union.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Planning our first meeting
The President and Vice President of The Marxist Student Union met today to plan the details for the first meeting of the University of Memphis Marxists. As we speak, our President is putting together a presentation that will detail what Marxism is and why it is relevant to today's American worker. Meanwhile, the Vice President is preparing a brief talk on the how The Marxist Student Union will do its part in the ongoing struggle to put people before profits. Both officers look forward to what is sure to be an unforgettable Friday night at the University of Memphis.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists.
The President and Vice President of The Marxist Student Union met today to plan the details for the first meeting of the University of Memphis Marxists. As we speak, our President is putting together a presentation that will detail what Marxism is and why it is relevant to today's American worker. Meanwhile, the Vice President is preparing a brief talk on the how The Marxist Student Union will do its part in the ongoing struggle to put people before profits. Both officers look forward to what is sure to be an unforgettable Friday night at the University of Memphis.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists.
Friday, September 9, 2011
A friendly reminder of our first meeting
I sent out the following e-mail today:
this is just a friendly reminder about the first meeting of The Marxist Student Union a week from today, September 16th in room 208 of the University Center at 5pm. I'll send out a more detailed reminder later next week.
If you signed up at the Student Involvement fair and did not receive an e-mail I likely copied your e-mail address wrong. My apologies, if you would like to receive e-mail reminders of our meetings please e-mail me at or leave a comment with your address.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
I sent out the following e-mail today:
this is just a friendly reminder about the first meeting of The Marxist Student Union a week from today, September 16th in room 208 of the University Center at 5pm. I'll send out a more detailed reminder later next week.
If you signed up at the Student Involvement fair and did not receive an e-mail I likely copied your e-mail address wrong. My apologies, if you would like to receive e-mail reminders of our meetings please e-mail me at or leave a comment with your address.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day
The University of Memphis Marxists wish everyone a happy labor day and looks forward to the day when none of us toil in wage-slavery.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Zizek -- What Does It Mean to Be a Revolutionary Today?
Today, in order to promote the study of Marxist theory and thought, I am sharing the following video of Slavoj Zizek's talk at Marxism 2009. While I personally do not agree with everything he says, I do feel his point that revolutionaries must constantly look to the future and not waste time endlessly reevaluating the quality of past Marxist revolutions is one that is important to remember.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
What Does it Mean to be a Revolutionary?
Today, in order to promote the study of Marxist theory and thought, I am sharing the following video of Slavoj Zizek's talk at Marxism 2009. While I personally do not agree with everything he says, I do feel his point that revolutionaries must constantly look to the future and not waste time endlessly reevaluating the quality of past Marxist revolutions is one that is important to remember.
In Solidarity,
The University of Memphis Marxists
What Does it Mean to be a Revolutionary?
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